Eventi e Webinars
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30 apr
Executive Breakfast Briefing
The Power of AI in Finance
3 apr
Wydarzenie stacjonarne
Digitalizacja FP&A – świadome decyzje i efektywność dzięki najnowszej technologii
Stacjonarne wydarzenie dla specjalistów FP&A, liderów finansowych i zespołów kontrolingowych! Poznaj nowoczesne podejście do FP&A i odkryj, jak przejść od tradycyjnych metod do zintegrowanego planowania. Dowiedz się, w jaki sposób platformy takie jak Anaplan zwiększają elastyczność, współpracę i wspierają lepsze podejmowanie decyzji w dynamicznym środowisku biznesowym. Nie przegap okazji do zdobycia praktycznej wiedzy i wymiany doświadczeń z ekspertami branżowymi!
Mastering Resilience: Leveraging Integrated Business Planning for Strategic and Financial Success
In this webinar, we explore how businesses are adopting integrated business planning (IBP) to support strategic and financial goals. Our panel will explore how crreating a foundation for operational and tactical planning enables business to effectively execute strategy, identify when business plans are deviating from their intended course, and assess alternative responses to events as they happen. Our panel will delve into the business value that can be created when IBP is applied to create the agility and resilience needed to respond to market disruption.
Finance isn't just about Financial matters, it's about driving business growth and generating value. Join us in this webinar as we delve into why the most forward-thinking and profitable businesses are increasingly integrating Digital Finance Platforms. Discover how this integration seamlessly weaves value creation into the very essence of the organisation.
Managing Profitability In An Inflationary Economy
As inflation continues to rise companies face what seems like ever-increasing costs. Businesses have choices, such as balancing pricing decisions with the need to remain competitive, and are looking for new ways to be more agile and responsive. We'll be joined by Guest Panelist, Anna Latoszek, Finance & IS/IT Director, Savencia Poland, an international, family-based and independent food group, to explore the critical need for Finance to deliver detailed, timely, and accurate cost and profitability insights to fulfill the Finance Business Partner role, critically needed in these challenging times.
Finance Hold The Key To Airline Profitability
Consider the impact on profitability if you could improve flight route profitability by just 1%. Then consider the impact if this could be repeated across the entire network! Making what may seem like small incremental improvements to flight and route profitability will have a significant impact on airline profit. This webinar explores the critical role of Finance to provide timely insights into route cost and profitability to support impactful networking planning decisions, and why those getting on board with Anaplan digital technology, are achieving more than incremental improvements to their bottom line.
Digitization Drives Connectedness In The Supply Chain
Join this webinar to learn how digitization drives greater connectedness across sub-units of the supply chain, and how this drives efficiency, increased profit margin, and reduced inventory levels and costs
Transforming Planning In Sales and Finance At SUSE
Transformacja planowania dla finansów i sprzedaży na przykładzie SUSE
FP&A Complexity Made Simple
Join this short Webinar to learn why FP&A doesn’t need to be a trade-off between managing complexity and having the flexibility to change assumptions and run complex scenarios quickly, as and when you need to. You’ll see first-hand how Anaplan, a cloud-native platform, gives the Office of Finance a more agile approach to FP&A, and enables the execution of processes that are faster, more accurate, and require much less effort. FP&A professionals are then free to focus on helping executives make the right decisions, at the right time, and with greater certainty.
Agile FP&A for Consumer Packaged Goods
Forecast, Forecast, Forecast!
The events of 2020 have convinced businesses across the board that a more agile approach to forecasting and planning is needed if they are to adapt to an environment that is constantly in flux. To quickly and accurately forecast demand, sales revenue, and profit, businesses need improved visibility of planning across multiple business planning processes such as workforce, sales, marketing, and supply chain.
In this webinar, we discuss how cloud technology can provide the collaborative planning environment that businesses need to adjust and continually adapt, whilst delivering other benefits like reducing operational costs and the time consumed by forecasting and planning processes.
Transform FP&A and Achieve RoI of 300%
Business leaders expect Finance to provide real-time access to accurate information. Speed of decision-making is crucial for businesses to respond quickly to market demands ahead of competition. They know that it's challenging to provide value-added decision support, whilst keeping the overall cost of FP&A low, and that's why many are transitioning to digital technologies. In this webinar you’ll learn why moving existing processes to the cloud isn’t enough and what else should be considered.