Our team is highly regarded for delivering successful Anaplan projects across all business functions including Operations, Finance, Sales & Marketing and Supply Chain and we are looking for experienced people to join our exceptional team.
We are always looking for Anaplan consultants and Senior Consultants to join our expanding project delivery team, working on client sites in locations across Europe. Candidates must have a passion for making technology and data work for our clients. Our consultants get involved in a variety of engagements and may be required to adopt a variety of different roles such as project management, business analysis, model design, model building, solutions support and pre-sales activities, depending on seniority.
The skills & experience that we are looking for include:
Profit& is willing to provide training in project methodology and Anaplan as well as support for professional certifications and qualifications.
Via Savoia 78
00198 Roma
Profit& è una società di consulenza direzionale che trasforma la complessità dei processi di pianificazione e controllo in soluzioni rapide ed intuitive
Anaplan è leader della pianificazione integrata su cloud o, semplicemente, “Connected Planning”. Il loro software, basato sul motore di calcolo brevettato Hyperblock, abilita la pianificazione dinamica, collaborativa e intelligente attraverso tutta l’azienda. Come Silver Partner, Profit& offre in tutta Europa degli standard di qualità certificati e un livello di servizio sempre affidabile
Profit& Srl
Via Savoia 78
00198 Rome
Telefono: +39 0685237413
Profit& Ltd
100 Bishopsgate
United Kingdom
Profit& GmbH
Neuer Wall 75
20354 Hamburg
Profit& Sp. z o.o
Ul. Złota 59
Skylight p. 14
00-120 Warsaw